Alternative uses for a car

car table automotive

Obviously the automobile has been designed with one intent in mind - to transport people or cargo from one point to another, however, as a tool, the humble car has been used in many ways since it's invention other than this. Here are just a few examples of how vehicles have been used in more ways than just moving people.

Camper vans - Not only will it move you from one point to another, but a camper van is effectively a mobile home. These come with incredibly versatile features to ensure you are getting the most efficiency out of the diminished living space in the back, including folding beds and chairs, stowaway tables, intelligent space design and rearrangeable furniture. Some of these are so advanced they even have flushing toilets and shower systems. There is a trend to convert old people carriers and estate vehicles into temporary camper vans amongst backpackers and travellers which involves turning the back seats into a comfortable bed, under which clever storage systems can be placed to keep everything you need, from camping stoves to cutlery and so on. While somewhat less advanced, this is usually considerably cheaper and an excellent way to travel if you don't mind getting in touch with the fine outdoors.

Filming - While modern technology is beginning to replace cars used for filming by using drones and systems based on rails, cars have been used extensively for filming and will probably be used for many years to come. You can acquire some really unique shots by filming from a moving platform, and when filming car chase scenes or any scenes involving transportation, it allows for a greater diversity of shots. Cameras can be attached to different parts of the car for different effects, or can be held and operated by people sitting inside the car. Sometimes, cars have even been modified to become remote controlled while holding filming equipment for shooting scenes.

Furniture - People have been using spare car parts for years to create furniture for their home. BBC's Top Gear famously turned an engine into a coffee table, and have also created living room seats from car seats, but other examples found online have been sofas made from car bodies, beds made from pickup trucks, BBQ's made from car grills, lamps made from suspension springs, coasters made from gears and other car parts, gear stick top wine stoppers and of course, the old tire swing. Vintage cars seem to be most commonly used for their aesthetic effect, but using cars and car parts to decorate your home creates a very unique, retro and quirky style.

Music - in 2009, Julian Smith composed a piece of music designed to be played on a Jeep. He placed microphones in and around the vehicle and connected them to a sound desk before several people created sounds using the car doors, the horn, the engine, the ignition, jump cables, and even the seat adjustment buttons and arranged them to create a techno style piece of music all filmed in one take. This goes to show that with a little imagination, incredibly unique and creative ideas can come from every day objects.